Animation, Comedy, Family
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
The Peanuts are celebrating the start of the winter season by ice skating on a frozen pond and singing “Christmas Time Is Here.” Leaning against a nearby fence, Charlie Brown tells Linus van Pelt that despite all the traditions of Christmas presents, Christmas cards and decorations, he still winds up depressed, but is not sure why. Linus dismisses Charlie Brown’s attitude as typical, quoting Lucy: “Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you’re the Charlie Browniest.”
Sound Technology & Dynamic Range: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, HDR10
25 minutes
4k UHD, Blu-Ray
Director: Bill Melendez
Cast: Peter Robbins, Bill Melendez, Christopher Shea, Kathy Steinberg, Tracy Stratford, Geoffrey Ornstein, Karen Mendelson, Chris Doran, Ann Altieri